Junior Section International Team Games

The Junior Section International Team Games competition was held at Stopsley Baptist Church on Saturday 5th February 2005, starting at 2.30 pm.

The rules for each game are as printed in the October "Gazette".

International Team Games Results
  1st Harlington 15th Luton 20th Luton 23rd Luton
Score Position Points Score Position Points Score Position Points Score Position Points
Compass (time) 1.55 4 6 1.14 2 9 1.10 1 10 1.18 3 7
Bible books (time) 3.10 3 7 2.10 1 10 2.17 2 8 3.20 4 6
Leg roll (time) 1.20 3 7 1.38 4 6 1.17 1 10 1.17 1 10
Circle dribble (passes) 52 2= 8 54 2= 8 52 4 6 57 1 10
Card jigsaw (time) 2.21 2 8 3.18 4 6 1.47 1 10 2.32 3 7
Bounce ball (score) 4 4 6 7 2 8 6 3 7 9 1 10

Total points

  42   49   51   50

Overall position

4 3 1 2

Champions' cup score

15 16 18 17

The competition will be run in a similar manner to the water games.

Placings for the Battalion Champions Cup will be worked out as follows:

The scores for each team will be sent to BB Headquarters for their entries into the national competition. If a company wishes to make their national competition entry in their own time, then they must notify me before the start of this competition that they do not want their scores forwarded to HQ. To comply with the national competition rules a company cannot subsequently change their mind about using the Battalion competition as their national entry. If you have any questions, please contact me.

Each company taking part will need to provide a judge, who will act as the judge for one particular game for the competition.

Some clarifications about the individual games: