Junior Section Bible Quiz

The Junior Section Bible Quiz will be held on Friday 24th March 2006 at Priory Methodist Church, Bedford, starting at 7.30 pm.

Rules (as modified following Battalion Council, February 2006)

Each company can any number of teams consisting of three junior lads (a first year, a second year and a third year boy) who will compete for the Battalion Bible Quiz Trophy. The highest scoring team will count towards the Champions' Cup. Please note that this year, for the first time, the local Girls' Brigade companies have been invited to take part, but they will not be competing for the BB Battalion trophy.

The quiz will include a general Bible knowledge round, a round based on books of the Bible and a number of rounds on the theme "Parables" based on the passages shown below. Let me emphasise that the questions will all be set using the GOOD NEWS translation. It is a team quiz and all the teams will have the same questions and be required to appoint a scribe who can record their agreed answer.

Bible passages on the theme "Parables"

Would all companies please confirm their attendance and the number of teams they are entering OR OTHERWISE to Amos Salisbury.

Thanks to Amos Salisbury for organising the competition and to 3rd Bedford for hosting the event.