Anchor Boy Party

Once again Flitwick are hosting the Anchor Boy Party. This will be on Saturday 17th November between 2.00pm and 4.30pm

Please can boys come wearing a sticker with their name and company on it so we know who's who.
Please advise numbers attending  to Jo Mallams by Friday 16th November.
Uniform is not required.

In previous years individual companies have provided food, but this can lead to a lot of waste at the end of the afternoon. Therefore Flitwick will look after the catering for a small donation per child (see below).


Quiet games (45 minutes) (upstairs) - suggestions:

Noisy games (45 minutes) (downstairs):

After 45 minutes, swap the boys around.

Have party tea (45 minutes approx). Offer grace / prayer.

The Afternoon will conclude with a children's character giving out presents to each child. Again for a small donation Flitwick are happy to organise the presents.

Can we please have some volunteers to organise the games as in previous years. Decide whether you prefer to organise quiet or noisy games and contact Jo Mallams to confirm so we can ensure everything is covered.

To cover the expenditure for food and presents then we feel a donation of £2 per child would be appropriate, but please give more or less, depending on your company finances. If costs are not covered then Flitwick will cover the balance,. If there is a surplus then we will put it into Battalion funds but ask that it be earmarked as Anchor Boy Funds.