Anchors' Outing

The Anchors' Outing is to Mead Open Farm, on Saturday 13 May.

Meet at 10am and depart at 4pm.

Please confirm attendance and numbers to Colin Watts by Wednesday 10th May so we have an idea of how many of you are attending and how many children and staff you will be bringing. If you should have any additions or drop outs after this date then you must check with Colin first before excepting any more bookings, just in case the venue cannot take any more.

The children will need a packed lunch, drink, waterproof (just in case) and money to spend in the shop if they so desire.

The cost is £12.00 per child and £TBC per adult . We do get some free adult places which I will tell you more about once I have final numbers from everyone a bit closer to the time.

Please note that if children want to go on the slides they need to cover their bare arms and legs (click here for more information) and have socks. If the Adults choose to have a go they do so at their own risk!

We advise that you bring sanitiser and make sure that everyone washes their hands after touching the animals.

You can go around the venue in company groups but it would be nice to all meet up at lunch time and eat together.

Please make sure you all adhere to the BB guidelines for transporting children in staff cars with 2 adults per vehicle. Parents can drop children off at the venue and then return to pick them up later.

This is a BB outing and I would discourage you using parents as supervision for your group, however if you need to do this then they MUST be registered with your company and be DBS checked please.

Any queries to Colin Watts.