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Ages 5-8, School Years 1, 2 & 3

Ages 9-11, School Years 4, 5 & 6

Ages 12-18, School Years 7+

The training we can provide includes most  BB training courses, please contact us to express an interest in any of these courses so that we can provide this for you.

Please complete and return the Booking Form with payment to reserve a place.

We are required to register dates of courses with BB Headquarters by the end of July for the coming session. Courses and dates planned for next session include (click on the bold for a description):

In most cases, there is a weekend and a weekday option, the most popular time will run, and the least popular time will be cancelled.

Child Protection and Safety Issues Contact us to arrange in-house training (training lasts 3 hours). Cost £5

Emergency First Aid At Work  Please register your interest.

Youth Leader Training (Requires a minimum of 6). Cost £30

Please register your interest.

Holiday Leadership (Requires a minimum of 6). Cost £20

Please register your interest.

Camp Craft (Requires a minimum of 8). Cost £20

Please register your interest.

Building your Skills (Formerly Leadership Grade 3)  Cost £5

Please register your interest.

*Skills for Queen's Badge (Formerly Brigade Leadership)

Please register your interest.

*Queen's Badge Completion Course

Please register your interest.

(*Please Note: Those courses in blue are District Courses)


CEmergency First Aid at Work  

This course undertakes 5 hours of training and results in a becoming a certified first aider.

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Child Protection and Safety Issues

This is a YLT module which allows leaders, helpers and instructors to have remote supervision of boys. (All BB Leaders are DBS checked)

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Youth Leader Training

Who Should Attend

Youth Leader Training is the core training for anyone who wishes to become an officer in The Boys' Brigade. It is also for any other leaders who wish to extend their skills and knowledge in working with children and young people but who may not wish to become officers.

Officers are expected to have satisfactorily completed a Youth Leader Training course before being appointed. Warrant Officers should complete Youth Leader Training within their first five years of their appointment.

Course Description

There are eight core modules of which participants will take six each, plus as many programme and activity modules as can be run at each event. These will vary depending on local expertise, but participants will come away with many new ideas and resources for their sections.

  • The BB and the wider voluntary movement
  • Faith Development
  • Equal Opportunities
  • Child Protection
  • Building relationships with young people (for those working with over 11's)
  • Working effectively with Young People (for those working with over 11's)
  • Building Relationships with children and their parents or carers (for those working with under 11's)
  • Contributing to a child's development through BB (for those working with under 11's)

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Holiday Leadership Certificate

Who Should Attend

The Certificate is a requirement for all officers leading a camp or holiday of any overnight stay. Holiday Leadership certificates last for a period of 5 years and can be renewed for periods of 5 years (see below for renewal information). 

Course Description

The following modules reflect the National Standards of Sports, Recreational and Allied Occupations (SPRITO) National Training Organisation. 

During the course participants will complete a number of modules, and by the end of the course will be able to:

  • Contribute to a safe environment
  • Contribute to effective working relationships
  • Prepare to lead a holiday
  • Administer finance and information
  • Look after participants who are away from home
  • Enable those with disabilities to take part
  • Contribute to holiday activities
  • Support the protection of children from abuse

Renewing Holiday Leadership Certificate

Holiday Leadership certificates last for a period of 5 years and can be extended for periods of 5 years by individual officers submitting log sheets to the appropriate regional headquarters giving brief details of holidays attended and the responsibilities they have undertaken. 

Those seeking renewal of their Holiday Leadership Certificate by this method will need to undertake some responsibilities on at least one holiday every 5 years. If no holiday is attended in the 5 year period the certificate will lapse and the Officer will need to attend the full Holiday Leadership training course.

Download the Holiday Leadership Log sheet or contact your regional headquarters.

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Camp Craft Certificate

Who Should Attend

At least one officer attending a canvas camp must hold a current Camp Craft Certificate. The certificate lasts for a period of 5 years and is kept live by attending at least one canvas camp within the five year period and undertaking a responsible role at the camp.

Course Description

The course is part of the Holiday Leadership Scheme, which comprises a Holiday Leadership Certificate and Camp Craft Certificate. 

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Building Your Skills Training

Who Should Attend

Young People aged 13 and 14 years old.

Course Description

The course is part of the Company Section Award Scheme, and is for those working to complete the requirements of the President's Badge and/or Duke of Edinburgh's Bronze award. The course is largely practically based and will encourage young people to be more involved in the running and management of their local BB companies. Programmes include: leadership, exercises, role-plays, simulation games and discussions.

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Skills for Queen's Badge Training

Who Should Attend

Young People aged 15 to 17 years old.

Course Description

The course is part of the Company Section Award Scheme, and is for those working to complete the requirements of the Queen's Badge and/or Duke of Edinburgh's Silver award.. The course is largely practically based and will encourage young people to be more involved in the running and management of their local BB companies. Programmes include: leadership, exercises, role-plays, simulation games and discussions.

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Queen's Badge Completion Course

Who Should Attend

Young People aged 16 to 18 years old wishing to gain the BB Queen's Badge Award.

Course Description

The course is part of the work for gaining the Queen's Badge. The course is largely practically based and will encourage young people to be more involved in the running and management of their local BB companies. Programmes include: leadership, exercises, role-plays, simulation games and discussions.

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© 2001-2015 The Boys' Brigade, West Anglia Battalion